Reiki Level 1 – Shoden
Hands-On Treatment
The key to healing, for yourself and others.
Many experience the attunement into Reiki as an awakening, sparking a memory from deep within, like a homecoming to your natural creative Source. The four energy transmissions are the foundation of Reiki, and in combination with the teachings, they provide an opportunity for a quantum leap in your Self-Realisation.
During the seminar (Fri/Sat/Sun.approx.18 hours) you’ll learn the Reiki method of natural healing. You’ll gain insight into metaphysical causation of symptoms and how Reiki inter-relates with other traditions. Original energy enhancing techniques from Mikao Usui are also taught.
We have come in touch with several thousand people in the last 20 years, practising and teaching the art of Reiki around the world. Many have reported miraculous results and have come to realise that Healing and Wisdom must come together to create lasting change. It is through this understanding that we learn how to responsibly hold resonance for our own well-being. This seminar has changed many people’s lives for the better.
Reiki Level I seminar fee $ 580.00 (includes GST)