Reiki Resonance Program

The Reiki Resonance Program is the way to Mastery for Reiki Practitioners.

Reiki Resonance level 2 is a pre-requisite for this program. Learn more about this program in Meditation — Transformation and About Mastery.

The Synergy of Sympathetic Vibrations is Co-Creative Energy.

Everything has a vibration and everything has a frequency. The world is Sound and Light. Reiki is a healing ray and has a frequency that elevates your consciousness. Truth has a frequency. Truth has a sound, and It rings. Every word you speak has Resonance. Your Inner Being, your Higher Self, your Divine Source can resonate through you.

At the level of the soul you know your truth. Truth and Illusion co-exist. How do you know the difference? Your heart is divinely intelligent. You only have to learn to listen and raise the frequency of your Light. The music is in between the notes.

The resonance is to be found beyond your logic and your emotions, beyond your intellect and your intuition, beyond your power and your helplessness, beyond your fame and your shame, beyond giving and receiving, beyond good and bad. Reiki is a pathway through to a multi-dimensional reality.

All transmissions, attunements and group activities are designed to purify and to master your sentient body and attain an understanding of the spiritual wisdom, to guide you to your own Revelation and experience of Oneness.

The Reiki Resonance Practitioners Program is held on weekends. It provides you with an opportunity to co-create with the Group Resonance, to receive higher teachings and to refine the art of channelling energy in a purposeful way that serves you personally and globally.

Reiki Resonance practitioner’s seminar fee $ 300.00 (includes GST).

Reiki Resonance level 2 is a pre-requisite